History of Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital
Andhra Mahila Sabha, a charitable and service oriented organization was founded by Dr Smt Durgabai Deshmukh in the year 1948 with a noble vision to service the poor and the needy, specially women. Smt Durgabai, the renowned freedom fighter, a true Gandhian, a woman with a vision for women-welfare. The AMS today with its various wings of schools, colleges and hospitals stands as a testimony to the conviction and dedication of the great lady transforming her vision into the reality.
She started a Nursing home on a humble note with just 15 beds in 1962 in Hyderabad with an objective to serve the poor. This small inception has blossomed into a full fledged multi-speciality hospital with over 200 beds, called Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital and Research Centre, under the umbrella of Andhra Mahila Sabha.

Programmes/Courses in the Unit
Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital and Research centre is recognized teaching hospital imparting training for a number of Medical, Paramedical and Nursing courses.
Medical Courses
This hospital accredited to National Board of Examinations, Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Govt. of India for the award of Diplomate of National Board which is equivalent to Post Graduate degrees like MS, MD etc awarded by the Universities. Ours is the first hospital in Andhra Pradesh to start the DNB programme.
DNB programmes available in the specialties of
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- General Medicine
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Family Medicine
Regular Combined Continuing Medical Education programs are arranged on every Friday for the benefit of the postgraduate students.

Educational Institutions in the Campus
Durgabai Deshmukh College of Physiotherapy: It was established in the academic year 1999-2000 with intake of 50 students annually for the Degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) under Dr NTR University of Health Sciences. The college is upgraded into a postgraduate institution with introduction of Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) in the academic year 2004-05 in the specialties of: MPT (Orthopedics), MPT (Neurology), MPT (Cardio-pulmonary Diseases), MPT (Sports). The college is recognized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP) total strength 270 students
Durgabai Deshmukh College of BSC Nursing: The BSC Nursing College is established in the academic year 2004-05 with an intake of 50 students every year under Dr NTR University of Health Sciences recognized by Indian Council of Nursing, New Delhi.
School of Nursing: 31/2 years duration course in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) is conducted since a long time with an intake of 60 students per year recognized by AP Nursing Council and Indian Nursing Council. High standards of teaching are maintained and the students are well placed in number of hospitals after the 1 year practical training in our hospital.
Multi Purpose Health Workers Training: This is grant-in-aid programme of Govt. of India for duration of 18 months duration. The training programme is carried out in Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar and Sangareddy. The annual intake is 40 students in each centre. Recognized by AP Nursing Council and Indian Nursing Council.
College of Biomedical Engineering, OU: The hospital is associated with Osmania University for the teaching and training of its biomedical Engineering students.
Types of Accommodation:
- Intensive coronary Unit
- Trauma Intensive Care Unit
- General wards for men and women
- Sharing rooms for men and women
- 10 special rooms with all deluxe facilities available for all the specialties
- Pediatric ward and Neonatology ward
- Obstetrics and gynecology wards
Highly sophisticated facilities and experienced medical offices are available round the clock in all these wards.
Diagnostic Facilities
24 hours diagnostic facilities offered by the hospital are
- Radiology and Imageology
- Pathological Laboratory
Blood Bank
Our Blood bank is being run by GOOD HEALTH FOUNDATION Which is a charitable Trust like AMS
- Modern blood bank with all advanced equipment is provided for collection and distribution of blood
- Recognized by Directorate of Drug Control, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
- Screening tests for AIDS and Hepatitis-B are available
- NAT Technology is being made available soon which will facilitate early detection virus to Reduce the window period
Family Planning Unit
- Recognized by Govt. of India and Govt. of AP for National Family Planning Programme
- Undertakes periodical visits to Urban slums for various immunization programmes
- Free immunization is done on Thursday
24 hours pharmacy is available to the patients at reasonable rate.
Spacious library with comfortable seating arrangement with large collection of medical textbooks and 4 computers with internet facility for students.
A spacious sound proof, air conditioned auditorium with 250 seating capacity is available for conduction of seminars, symposia and combined Continuing Medical Education programme
Hostel Facility
Hostel facility is available in the premises of the hospital with mess facility for the nursing students.
Future Plans
- Creation of Exclusive Geriatric ward
- Upgrading the College of Nursing into a Post Graduate institution by starting M.Sc (Nursing)
Achievements of the Hospital
- A small nursing home started with 15 beds emerged into a multi specialty hospital giving round the clock medical services at affordable rates to the people
- Trauma intensive care was started with 9 beds with all advanced equipment from 20th April 2007
- Extending medical services to rural and urban areas
- Conducting monthly free medical camps in all specialties in the hospital on the occasion of Birth Centenary of Smt Dr Durgabai Deshmukh
- Bone densitometry assessment is done every month free of charge with the participation of pharmaceutical companies, providing the ultrasound Achilles Express Machine